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Office of Diversity & Inclusion

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Faculty & Staff

A Great College to Work For

TCU连续八年被《bc体育》评为“最适合工作的大学” of Higher Education. 我们相信其中一个原因是我们一直致力于 being a friendly, supportive place to work. The University offers faculty and staff 一系列致力于支持校园多样性和包容性的资源,例如 as Human Resource programs and those outlined below.

College Diversity Advocates

倡导者协助促进多样性和培养包容性的学习和 work environment in TCU’s schools and colleges. They focus on hiring and promotion 努力,招聘和留住教职员工和学生,并担任 DEI的院长、副院长、主席和董事的资源和顾问 issues.

Faculty Diversity Advocates 2022-2023

Division Diversity Advocates

  • Academic Affairs  – Claire Sanders (faculty)
  • University Advancement – Corina Cervantes
  • Student Affairs –
  • Finance and Administration – 
  • Chancellor’s Office – 
  • Marketing and Communications – Bill Hartley
  • Athletics – Ashlesha Lokhande
  • Human Resources – Reggie Hendricks
  • Information Technology – Joshua Tooley

Instructional Resources

TCU的克勒教学、创新和参与中心 为教师提供参与关键DEI对话的机会,增加 意识到多样性的关注和培养一个包容性的教学环境.

Please continue to look for opportunities throughout the year. 

Employee Resource Groups

员工资源小组(ERGs)是由员工领导的小组,由个人组成 a common interest, issue or background.  ERGs are an opportunity for employees to 创造一个有归属感的环境,促进一个鼓励和支持的社区.

  • Breathing Room 为黑人提供支持和职业发展,以改善工作环境 women faculty, staff and graduate students. Meetings and conversations are based on 健康的六个维度身体,情感精神,智力,环境 and social. 要了解更多或连接到呼吸室,请联系
  • A League of Our Own 为拉丁裔教职员工和研究生提供社区建设. The 联盟为具有相似文化背景的人提供了机会和平台, life and professional experiences to come together. To learn more or get connect to A League of Our Own, please contact Cynthia Montes at
  • Rainbow Alliance  为TCU的LBGTQ+社区成员提供支持和社区建设.  聚会虽然是社交性质的,但目的是培养人际关系 校园的目的是更好地了解我们的社区成员和地址 the community’s needs.  欲了解更多或加入彩虹联盟,请 contact Philip Dodd at
  • TCU Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) 汇集了TCU的黑人教职员工,以建立一个社交网络 of camaraderie and support among Black employees on campus. The organization aims 促进黑人员工的公平招聘、保留和晋升, 促进bc体育和个人发展的机会,并尊重和庆祝 黑人与教职员工和学生之间的美好斗争, alike, at TCU. 因此,与社区建设相结合,BFSA旨在推进这项工作 以确保TCU社区的黑人成员茁壮成长 here. 如欲了解更多资讯或加入本校黑人教职员协会,请按 contact Brandon Manning at
  • Brothers Reaching Brothers的目的是团结TCU黑人男性教职员工社区,共同努力 提供一个我们可以称之为自己的空间来放松,恢复活力,并在社区中成长 as men. 当我们团结在一起时,我们的目标是提高我们的知名度 在沃斯堡和TCU社区内,通过服务和指导. To learn 更多或想要联系“兄弟到达兄弟”,请联系雷金纳德·威尔伯恩 at
  • Kaleidoscope 是一个空间,让TCU的教职员工有机会聚在一起,学习和 discuss areas related to multicultural and societal issues. To learn more or get connected to Kaleidoscope, please contact Reece Harty at
  • Latinos Unidos (Lati2) 是一个全方位的bc体育团体,致力于团结广大的西班牙人 American/Latinx population at Texas Christian University. We aim to advance the growth 以及我们拉丁裔男性教职员工的成功,通过提供bc体育和教育 在安全的归属空间中获得指导、友谊、建议、指导和支持 that will allow us to avanzar juntos. Our goal is to bring Latino awareness, action, and advocacy to TCU and the greater Fort Worth comunidad. [Latidos (Lati2): beats – pulso (pulse), ritmos (rhythms)]. To learn more or get connected with Latinos Unidos, please contact Frank Hernandez at
  • Bachelor’s Degrees for TCU Employees. 为任何想要开始工作的TCU员工提供支持、指导和帮助 or finish their undergraduate degree. Please contact Nicole Sinclair at
  • 有关启动支持和促进建立社区的ERG的更多信息 for all employees, please contact Aisha Torrey-Sawyer at

Faculty Success Program

TCU是国家教师发展和多样性中心的成员之一 allows faculty to participate in the Faculty Success Program. 教师成功计划提供教练,支持社区,导师和 professional development for tenure track and tenured faculty.

“自从开始这个项目以来,我已经获得了一份出书合同,发表了一篇文章, 获得了竞争激烈的国家奖学金,并获得了一个特别节目的联合编辑职位 issue of a major journal in my field. The program not only helped me be more productive 在我的学术努力中,也给了我更多的策略去投入我的 family. I can’t say enough about the benefits of FSP.”
–Stacie McCormick, assistant professor of English 

Professional Resource Group (PRG)

TCU -德州奇卡诺人协会的德州基督教大学分会 in Higher Education. 该组织的目的是鼓励理解和学习 同时注重访问、参与、留存以及Chicanx/Latinx的成功 students, faculty, and staff at TCU; scholarship fund development to support Chicanx/Latinx students; and to support the goals as established by the state TACHE organization. All are welcome to join. Contact: Susie Olmos-Soto at

Campus Community Response Team

TCU努力维护其学术成就,个人自由和诚信的价值观 同时保持其包容、负责任的公民和服务的传统. TCU相信每一个社区成员都应该得到有尊严的对待 respect. 可能被视为冒犯这些价值观的行为或评论会阻碍 我们的学术团体在追求知识和启蒙的同时 to the full realization of each individual’s potential. Actions or comments that express 或者暗示对我们社区中任何群体的偏见——不管这个群体是被单独挑出来的 以种族、肤色、宗教、性别、国籍或任何其他分类来区分 not acceptable on the TCU campus. Such biased behavior requires a response.

Report an Incident